Biosystems Engineering

Biosystems Engineering involves innovative systems to sustainably feed an increasing population through cutting-edge technology, sustainable practices, and the drive to make a difference in the world. The Arizona Experiment Station builds sustainable solutions that create resilience among society, the environment and the economy. From microorganisms to complete ecosystems and from lab-on-a-chip biosensors to algae-based biofuels, Biosystesm engineering students and faculty are leading the charge to a sustainable future, including:

  • Optimizing growth conditions in controlled environment agriculture
  • Finding alternative fuel and feed sources
  • Irrigating crops sustainably
  • Analyzing big data sets generated from using sensors and controls and looking at metagenomics

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Biosystems Analytics & Technology

students at a computer

Bridge the gap between data science and technology by combining biological, physical, and data sciences with technology. You'll implement new ideas, approaches, and technologies to address global challenges related to our food, water, and energy resources.

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Biosystems Engineering

student team at engineering day

Solve resource challenges by using your interest in engineering, science, and technology to overcome drought, disease, famine, and flooding. You may choose to specialize in water resource engineering, biological engineering, or pre-health to prepare for medical school.

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