Sustainable, Arid Environments

Sustainable, Arid Environments

Growing a sustainable future.

Arid and dryland environments make up more than 35% of the world, grow 60% of the food we eat, and are home to the fastest growing populations on the planet. In the hot and water-scarce Southwest, our infrastructure serves as an incubator for big ideas—from supporting ecological biodiversity and developing new technologies to get the most out of every drop of water to innovative solutions to sustainable agriculture and food.


What we're capable of here can impact the world over. 

Our Experiment Station network spans the geographic and biological diversity of Arizona. Explore a few of the ways we're providing the foundation for big ideas in support of arid, sustainable environments.


News, breakthroughs and profiles in science

Explore how we're advancing purpose-driven research and community-centered programming in Arizona, and beyond.