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Campus Agricultural Center

The Campus Agricultural Center is a federally sponsored bio-secure facility, public access is not permitted without prior authorization or through U of A sponsored events. 

Getting there

The Campus Agricultural Center is a 170 acre incubator for research, teaching, extension and outreach, located in the heart of Tucson only three miles from the UA main campus. This facility supports diverse programs in precision and arid adapted agriculture, natural resources, animal and vet sciences, agricultural education and innovation, nutritional sciences and wellness and more.

For units within the University of Arizona, please reach out to Kristen Vann, Southern Arizona Experiment Station Business Manager, to request a tour or to schedule a visit.  

For media, journalists can request access through Rose Brandt, Director of Communications for the Division of Agriculture, Life & Veterinary Sciences and Cooperative Extension.  

The public are welcome to view and enjoy the animals outside the fences on Limberlost and Roger roads.  Please do not feed or touch the animals.  The animals are very well cared for and on well-balanced diets tailored to their nutritional needs. These animals are under continuous veterinary and animal care team oversight, outside feed or material can lead to significant health risk for our animals.

<<<google map iframe embed: Address = 4101 N Campbell Ave, Tucson, AZ 85719>