V Bar V Ranch
An Agricultural Experiment Station for Northern Arizona.
Growing knowledge to address the problems contemporary ranchers face.
With elevations ranging from 3,200 to 7,000 feet, the working ranch is dedicated to addressing environmental, wildlife and domestic livestock issues applicable to Arizona and the Southwest.
The V Bar V Ranch is home to the University of Arizona's 350 head cattle herd, comprised of Hereford, Braford (a Brahma-Hereford cross), and a composite breed. The herd has complete SNP genome data and twenty years of performance data available to researchers and livestock growers.
The facility is living laboratory to develop new knowledge on livestock production, range management, wildlife populations and wildlife-livestock interactions, and natural resource conservation. The ranch is home to a wide variety of wildlife, ranging from mammals, birds and fish to reptiles and amphibians. Vegetation zones, including high desert chaparral, pinyon-juniper woodland, and pine forest, are typical of those on most of the commercial ranches in central and northern Arizona.
Positioned along the Mogollon Rim, the ranch's 57-pasture grazing allotment runs about 30 miles east from Camp Verde and varies between four and five miles in width. Slightly more than forty acres is private land, with the remainder held under lease from the U.S. Forest Service. Acquired in 1995, the Arizona Experiment Station's V Bar V Ranch was made possible through a gift from Ben and Betsy Zink.
The V Bar V is a fully operating, working ranch, and research performed here involves an applied approach to problem-solving, rather than laboratory studies in basic science. A full range of teaching and extension activities take place on the property, including artificial insemination workshops and synchronization services, as well as hands-on experiential learning in the form of internships and classes connected to the herd's planned calving.

Artificial Insemination Clinics
The V Bar V Ranch offers regular clinics to train growers in Artificial Insemination (AI), which has been shown to improve genetic quality of a herd, increase consistency and value to a calf crop and generally improve the profitability of a livestock production operation.

Artificial Insemination and Synchronization Services
As an educational and community service, we provide synchronization and breeding or artificial insemination services to our local community as space permits and up to 10 head.