Support Infrastructure
Your go-to for research support, and more.
At the Arizona Experiment Station, you’ll find equine and livestock facilities, irrigated fields, machine shops, greenhouses, as well as flux tower and meteorological monitoring to support your research in every stage of discovery and dissemination and that just scratches the surface of what we offer. The Experiment Station even has dormitories and facilities for retreats and conferences.

Research and Extension addressing cattle production systems on rangelands are available at the V-V Ranch and Santa Rita Experimental Range.
Centers & Locations
- At the Santa Rita Experimental Range, the 350-450 herd is privately owned, and the grazing practices are coordinated with the Arizona Experiment Station. The private owner has been amenable to providing access to the herd for research, instruction and extension projects. Annual grazing plans since 2006, and stocking rate data for all pastures since 1916 are available here.
- At the V-V Ranch, the 350-450 cow-calf herd is owned by the Arizona Experiment Station, and the grazing occurs on a grazing lease within the Coconino National Forest. The available data includes genomic profiles for all cows and bulls, and calf weight gain rates. Those data are available upon request.

Data and Bibliographies
Publicly available data from regular and long-term activities, as well as bibliographies of publications are available online or through requests to Experiment Station Directors.
Centers & Locations
- An enormous amount of long-term data is available online for the Santa Rita Experimental Range. This data includes repeat photography dating back to 1902, long-term vegetation transects maintained since 1953, grazing use by pasture since 1916, a bibliography approaching 900 publications, and spatial data for soils, pasture boundaries, and study sites. Links to data from the National Ecological Observatory Network and the USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center’s 8 instrumented watersheds is also available.
- At V-V Ranch, cattle genomic and weight data, as well as calf performance data are available by request from the V-V Ranch Director.
- Field use history and bibliography for the Campus, Maricopa, Safford and Yuma agricultural centers are available by contacting the appropriate station director.

Equine Facilities
The Al-Marah Equine Center and the Campus Agricultural Center provide pastures and support services to care for horses for research, instruction, and Extension activities.
Centers & Locations
- Al Marah Equine Center has pasture, stables, and covered arena facilities. The horses at the facility are owned by the U of A School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences and are used to support its equine science program. Animal care is provided by the Arizona Experiment Station staff under the protocols prescribed but the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Arizona.
- Campus Agricultural Center has pastures that supports horses owned by the U of A College of Veterinary Medine, whose staff provide the animal care services under the protocols prescribed by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Arizona.

Greenhouses are essential for controlled studies of plant performance, insect-plant interactions, microbial-plant interactions in response to varies treatments. Greenhouse bench space, as well as services including watering are available at 3 locations.
- Campus Agricultural Center currently offers 14,752 ft2 of greenhouse space. Support space totals 6,100 square feet, and includes four head houses, several utility rooms, a central office, and two large walk-in growth rooms.
- Yuma Agricultural Center currently provides two greenhouses totaling 10,500 ft2.

Internet Connections
Secure internet connections are essential for data exchange and communication. Wireless connections via UAWiFi are available at all locations, except Cracchiolo DK Ranch.
Centers & Locations
- High speed 10G/s will be available at Yuma Agricultural Center starting late 2024.
- Portable 50 Mbps units are available for short-term field use at the Santa Rita Experimental Range.

Irrigated Fields
Irrigation is critical for crops in Arizona. Six locations provide more than 2,500 acres of irrigable land to support research, instruction, and extension activities. Each location can provide the agronomic services of site preparation, planting, weeding, pest control, irrigation and fertilization, and harvesting as needed.
Centers & Locations
- Maricopa Agricultural Center has 1,700 acres of irrigable land
- Yuma Agricultural Center has 470 acres of irrigable land
- Campus Agricultural Center has 40 acres of irrigable land
- Red Rock Agricultural Center has 290 acres of irrigable land
- Safford Agricultural Center has 63 acres of irrigable land

Machine Shops
Machine shops for repair and fabrication of equipment used for research, instruction, and extension are available at 4 locations. Services and facilities can be provided to repair some equipment such as tractors, irrigation, and vehicles; and some tools are supplies can be provided to users to construct or repair equipment.
Centers & Locations

Meeting and Conference Rooms
The Arizona Experiment Station is positioned to host meetings, retreats, and conferences at a number of its locations. Reservations can be made through specific Centers & Locations Pages.
Centers & Locations
Al Marah Equine Center and Campus Agricultural Center each have classroom spaces that can be reserved for meetings.
Maricopa Agricultural Center provides a 2,700 ft2 conference space that can accommodate 192 people, as well as three 10-15 person meeting rooms.
The Santa Rita Experimental Range offers is a multi-purpose event facility at the Florida Station that accommodates up to 50 visitors. This space may be used for classes, public lectures, meetings, trainings, and demonstrations. The classroom includes Wi-Fi, projector and display screen, and a whiteboard. In addition, this space offers a full kitchen and can serve as a dining hall for larger groups, with an adjacent outdoor grill and fire pit.
The Yuma Agricultural Center provides a 1,100 ft2 meeting room.

Meteorological Monitoring and Flux Towers
A number of our locations house meteorological monitoring equipment to support the Arizona Meteorological Network.
Centers & locations
Flux Towers are actively collecting data at the Santa Rita Experimental Range.
Flux Towers are micrometeorological tower sites that use eddy covariance methods to measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere. The number of measurement levels on a tower vary from four to eight levels depending on the ecosystem structure at each site. Automated tower sensors collect data continuously to capture patterns and cycles across various time periods, ranging from seconds to years.
Arizona Experiment Station supports several national and global aggregate data networks, including the USDA-ARS Ecosystem-Atmosphere Water and Carbon Exchange, the NSF National Ecological Observation Network, and FLUXNET.

Rangelands and Pastures
Cattle, horses, sheep, and sometime other grazing animals are supported on rangelands and irrigated pastures at 4 locations for research, instruction, and extension activities. Those animals are owned by the AES at V-V Ranch, and academic departments or colleges at the University of Arizona. Assess to the rangelands or pastures can be provided by contacting the Directors of the V-V Ranch and Southern Arizona Experiment Station.
Centers & Locations
The 70,000 acres of rangeland at the V-V Ranch are part of the Coconino National Forest Walker Basin Grazing Allotment. Access to the V-V Ranch cattle is provided through a grazing permit with the National Forest. Access to the rangeland for research, instruction, and Extension can be provided through request to the National Forest and the V-V Ranch Director.
Access to the 30 acres of irrigated pasture at the Cracchiolo DK Ranch for research, instruction, and extension can be provided through request to the V-V Ranch Director.
The 50,000 acres of rangeland at the Santa Rita Experimental Range is part of the Arizona State Land Department and access and management responsibilities are assigned to the Arizona Experiment Station through a commercial lease started in 1988. The cattle are privately owned. Access to the rangeland for instruction, research, and extension activities is available through a Range Use Agreement that is reviewed and approved by the Southern Arizona Experiment Station Director.
Access to irrigated pasture at the Campus Agricultural Center for research, instruction, and extension can be provided through request to the Southern Arizona Experiment Station Director.